The Stories you will not forget
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Alaric Longward
Alaric Longward was born 1970, which makes him as old as computer floppy disks. Do not worry if you don't know what they are.
Throughout his childhood, he found himself curiously attracted to books. This strange hobby did not take anything away from the computer gaming and occasional sports, but the books stayed and the wonderful stories that could be found in his father's vast library would inspire him throughout his life to appreciate the power of story telling. He loved history, fantasy, and sci-fi.
As time moved on, he graduated from the university with a degree of Master of Political Science, dreamed of a career in diplomacy and ended up making computer games in Nokia N-Gage. He stayed on after the demise of the first serious swing at mobile gaming, and worked as a senior manager and product manager in ICT sector for over a decade, specialising in internet services, innovation solutions, and crowdsourcing.
One day he decided to drive his family nuts, and quit his job to become an author. Now, as a bestselling author of eight books, he hopes to provide you with exciting adventure stories. He is a dad, a husband, and a full time author.

Alaric was born in Helsinki, Finland. His family has roots in both east and west, and he has lived and worked in the US and Europe. He graduated from the University of Helsinki with a degree of Masters in International Politics. He worked for Nokia Corporation in games, innovation, and services units as a senior product manager and senior manager, and ideated and ramped up several great services for the company, including a crowdsourcing one. His passion is literature, history, and archeology., so he left the company to create a career in story-telling. He loves science fiction, fantasy on the darker side, gory mysteries, and historical adventure.
He is presently writing screenplays, creating game worlds and stories, and is writing far too many books. Most of his books have hit Amazon bestseller rank.
Alaric lives in Espoo with his wife and two children.
If you want to chat with him, please send him an email or reach out in Facebook.